So where does all of this thinking leave me. My life lessons include:
We all have more depth of strength than we can imagine, it is however not good to take that for granted. Taking care of self has got to be number 1!
Learning brings me great joy and it can be subtle. What once was a foreign language that I had never heard has easily become my new understanding of being an entrepreneur with an online presence.
Loving those you truly care about is not something to be postponed. Although living in the moment seems cliché, it is far from it. When you have someone pass away, that becomes much more clear. For me it will always be remaining conscious and not taking anything for granted.
Those tough times are really gifts. They are time to grow, heal and re-invent. What comes out the other side can be stunning. The lens I now use to view words and actions have been reshaped. I am able to detach and truly view the situations from afar.
The Universe may have plans that you could never of imagined. Be fluid and embrace them!
So looking back what did I do to take care of me? Using simple strategies working with BREATH, HEART FOCUS and AWARENESS I was able to do more than I could have imagined. Thank goodness they can be accomplished wherever you are! These strategies literally saved my life. Leave a reply below and I will share more!
With love and appreciation,