How often do you give yourself permission to be happy?

Person looking out a window smiling

Have you ever heard someone referred to as having “high permission levels“? While this may seem vague, it is a powerful concept that can significantly impact our happiness, well-being, and success.

This blog post will explore permission levels, how they affect our lives, and how we can increase our permission levels to achieve greater happiness, success, and fulfillment.

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As I train and coach people with resilience tools, this could be one of the most significant barriers to success.  People overall believe that they are undeserving of happiness.  I can’t tell you how many people tell me that they are on high alert, ‘waiting for the other shoe to drop’.   

If this is YOU, you are in the right place!

Permission levels can be considered an internal barometer that measures how much joy, well-being, success, and love we allow ourselves to experience. A person with high permission levels generally has a positive life experience, while someone with low permission levels may feel a sense of dissatisfaction with their life.

These internal controls are closely tied to our self-esteem and self-love and could be shaped by the programming we receive during childhood.

To understand the power of permission levels, consider the following aspects of YOUR life.

  • Are you fulfilled in your career?
  • Do you feel loved and appreciated in your relationships?
  • Are you happy with your health and overall well-being?

If you are frustrated or dissatisfied with these areas, it may be a sign that your permission levels are holding you back from achieving your goals.

The GOOD NEWS is that you can raise your permission. The first step to raising permission levels is to increase our levels of self-nurturing and self-love. When we are kind to ourselves and give ourselves permission to indulge in simple pleasures, rest, and relaxation, we can feed our hearts, souls, and bodies. The acts can also help reduce feelings of guilt or anxiety when unproductive.

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Raising permission levels also requires a greater level of responsibility. For example, if we want to improve our health and well-being, we must take responsibility for making healthy choices and taking care of ourselves.

Similarly, if we’re going to strengthen our relationships, we must take responsibility for better communication and actively work on building deeper connections with those around us.

By understanding the power of permission levels, we can unlock our full potential for joy, success, and fulfillment. Start by taking a closer look at the various areas of your life and identifying where your permission levels are holding you back. Then make a conscious effort to increase self-nurturing and self-love, and take greater responsibility for your choices.

If you are on the hunt to raise “your permission levels,” I would love to share some approaches that I know are effective and measurable!    

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