Archives of #resilience

Smiling people in the workplace

Creating a supportive workplace environment for positive mental health & resilience. Whose responsibility is it?

Mental health stigma in the workplace creates significant obstacles for employees seeking support, hindering their access to resources and necessary help. However, employers play a crucial role in addressing these barriers, promoting understanding, and prioritizing mental health resources. By taking action and incorporating HeartMath techniques, employers can create a supportive environment that empowers employees to […]
Emotional Resilience with mindfulness & HeartMath

Unlock the Secret to Emotional Resilience with HeartMath and Mindfulness

If you are someone who experiences high levels of physical stress and large emotions, perhaps feels like you are out of control with some substances, or feel anxious and financially stressed while juggling multiple competing issues, you are not alone. It can be challenging to prioritize your well-being when life feels overwhelming, but it is […]
someone checking their heart rate via neck pulse and watch (time)

What If Heart Rate Variability Was The Missing Piece All Along

When I share with people what I do, I often get a questioning look when I tell them I am a HeartMath Coach. I wanted to explain a bit more about why I resonated so strongly with it. In our fast-paced and ever-changing world, stress has become a common part of our daily lives. Whether […]
rubber duckies all one one direction except for one veering off

Experiencing burnout does not have to be a GIVEN, are you ready to pivot?

Burnout is a growing concern in modern society, affecting individuals across various professions and industries. Burnout refers to physical, emotional, and mental exhaustion caused by excessive and prolonged stress. In recent years, the issue has garnered more attention due to its impact on mental health and workplace productivity. Have you ever experienced a period of […]
coffee, tablet, pirse, and fall leaves on a step

Ease or chaos – bring on the fall!

So are you happy or sad to see that September has arrived?  Depending on who you are, September can be a time to return to our routine, maybe a comfortable rhythm that has slipped away over the summer.  Perhaps it is a return to school and for some that brings joy and others not so […]

Does relaxing make you more resilient?

Do you think this is a trick question?  Because we have always been told that if we relax we will feel better. The truth is we do; the catch, unfortunately, is that it can be short-lived. I remember working in an office, leading people, and needing a vacation.  This experience was long before I understood […]