“I recently had the opportunity to have a brief but important wellness workshop with Barb. This past year has been a rollercoaster and it feels as though I am simply going through the motions. Barb asked me to get in coherence and review what my heart qualities and values are. Being forced to slow down and look into myself I noticed that I am on the road to burning out. It helped me realize that my creativity, which is so important to my well-being, was being neglected.
Check ins with our inner selves is so important but with our world right now these check ins are quickly pushed aside so that we can pursue more productivity. But productivity only comes from happy soul, so thank you Barb for forcing me to slow down.”
~Adrienne McNair (She/Her), First Link Coordinator, Greater Fredericton,
Woodstock and Victoria-Carleton County Areas, Alzheimer Society of New Brunswick