"Barb is amazing! She is so kind and has a way of putting you at ease. This helps you do what you need to do to find your best self. I always have a great experience when I see Barb."

Stacey W.
"When I became Executive Director of the Alzheimer Society of New Brunswick in 2008, I was at the beginning of my career in management. I was quickly introduced to Barb by a Board member who invited me to learn from her keen political acumen, an area where I had little to no experience. It did not take me long to discover that I had been introduced to a great mentor and leader. Now, 8 years later, I count Barb as a mentor who helped to shape me in my important role with the Alzheimer Society and through some challenging times. Barb has the ability to see through the weeds with a strong sense of vision and purpose. I have greatly valued her guidance, contagious positive attitude, and relentless optimism. She has been a great leader in the aging community, and in turn has helped to shape my leadership journey as well."
Chandra M.
"I first met Barb at the very initial stages of what would become a significant career transition. Among our first conversations, Barb talked of the difference between presence and visibility, a theme I had been long mulling but didn’t have the words or courage to express. With Barb’s mentorship, I’ve personally benefitted from her peaceful approach and calm guidance that have encouraged me to slow down and focus on wellness and gratitude (presence) rather than wealth and recognition (visibility). Barb’s mentorship has extended far beyond our meeting professionally; she has been a continued source of wisdom and support on a personal level. Her ability to truly connect with others while inspiring positivity is unparalleled. I am truly grateful to have met Barb and worked with her, for she has become a positive influence in my life both professionally and personally."
Kalin R.
"Barb has been my mentor since the moment I met her 4 years ago - not only because we have similar interests and aspirations but because of her positive and inspirational personality.

Barb is a true genuine person who is constantly thinking of others and pursuing a greater society and world for all. I have gone to Barb many times seeking advice to make a difficult decision and she has a way of making you see the light without directly telling you what choice to make. Barb always sees the bigger picture and helps guide you to see it too. Barbs patience, leadership, and kindness are incredibly admirable and I am so thankful to have her in my life as a friend and mentor."
Holly U.
"HeartMath helped me see the amazing potential of positive thinking and positive vibrations in my life. Being able to centre myself and ground myself in the way that Barb taught me through HeartMath has given me the ability to cope with so many challenging situations and come out on the other side even stronger than I was before. The difference was noticeable within the first sessions, and I continue using the techniques on a regular basis."
Jacie T.   
"As a teacher, experiencing stress and energy drain was a normal part of my every day. I wasn't recognizing my body's warning signals until it was too late and I would go home at the end of the day with nothing left. Barb's program allowed me to development an awareness to the things that drain me, and most importantly, what replenishes my energy levels - something I had never reflected on before. Thanks to her coaching, I now have a better handle on maintaining a healthy balance. Heartmath is now my go-to in stressful situations that cannot be avoided. The best part is that it's something that I can use anywhere, anytime! Getting grounded relieves me of anxiety and stress that life throws my way. The entire concept of Heathmath and breathing techniques were certainly out of my comfort zone, but thanks to Barb, it was really easy to start!"
Krystal G.
"As a paramedic, I spend a fair amount of my time and energy being on ‘high alert’, always ready to respond to situations that require the use of a lot of energy and focus. One thing I was unable to do was to turn this off when I left work.

I was a very reactive person in my everyday life, and the past year has been a year of change and personal growth for me, in my career, relationships, as well as purchasing a home. During this time I found myself to be very reactive, and chaotic, and I was unable to focus my energy or thoughts. I was unable to enjoy all of the new opportunities that were presenting themselves to me, and my ability to have a conscious conversation with others was difficult. I was having a hard time clearly communicating in a kind, calm manor, and was coming off as a negative person.

I then met Barbara, who introduced me to HeartMath. During our initial session my coherence was sporadic and unfocused. Barb was quiet, calm and reassuring that this would change with practice. I could feel my energy calm during the session, and within the first few weeks of using HeartMath I was seeing a change in how I would respond to stressors. Then I began to notice that the amount of things that I found to be stressful had decreased, and I was feeling much more positive. My coworkers began to comment on how I seemed to have relaxed, and no longer seemed to be so emotional. My family and friends also said they had noticed that I had a more positive outlook. Loose ends were starting to tie themselves up, and smoother transition was starting to present itself.

HeartMath has been a wonderful, and much needed addition to my life. Calm, quiet, mindfulness has been something that I was uncomfortable with before meeting Barb. As soon as I sit with Barb, I almost instantly feel her calm energy calm mine. I am so thankful for my time that I spent with Barb, not only learning HeartMath, but also getting to know her as a person. Her energy and love for HeartMath, as well as so much more, is so positive and she is such an inspiration. She is passionate about HeartMath, and you know as soon as she starts teaching HeartMath that this is something that is intricately part of her soul. She is such a wonderful person and I believe everyone can benefit from her and her teachings."

Melissa C.  

Let's do something great together.